Using IFRAME to embed a form on your web page is the easist way to have a functional web form on your website, and it's recommended for most of the non-tech savvy users.
However, other users want better SEO and a better file system layout, they want a form without using IFRAME. No problem, it also can be done easily. Ok, let assume you want all the form files in a folder contact2/, and a contact2.html form frontend on the upper folder of contact2/.
contact2.html contact2/ admin.php form.config.php form.html form.lib.php phpmailer.php vendor.css vendor.js
<link href="vendor.css" rel="stylesheet"> <form data-licenseKey="" name="jqueryform-d35657" id="jqueryform-d35657" action='admin.php' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data' novalidate autocomplete="on"> <script src="vendor.js" ></script> <script src="" ></script>Just add the "contact2/", DON'T change the form ID in your file, like this:
<link href="contact2/vendor.css" rel="stylesheet"> <form data-licenseKey="" name="jqueryform-d35657" id="jqueryform-d35657" action='contact2/admin.php' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data' novalidate autocomplete="on"> <script src="contact2/vendor.js" ></script> <script src="contact2/" >